Hiroshi Nagahama (1970) is one of Japan's most prolific and multidisciplinary anime directors. His work spans diverse productions such as the hilarious and disruptive Detroit Metal City (2009), the deeply original The Flowers of Evil (2013), which blended animation with rotoscoping, and The Reflection (2017), one of the last projects involving Stan Lee. Lee co-authored the anime with Nagahama, merging the worlds of anime and superheroes.
However, if one were to choose a single work to represent the Japanese director, that would be Mushishi (2005). Hiroshi Nagahama directed the first season of the anime, as well as the special Hihamukage (2014), the second season Mushishi Zoku Shou (2014), and the series' final medium-length films Odoro no Michi (2014) and Suzu no Shizuku (2015). In his early career as an animation director, notable works include Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997). Additionally, he created the mechanical designs for both the series and the 1999 movie, a role he also performed for The Cockpit (1993).
Hiroshi Nagahama's next and most anticipated work is Uzumaki, the anime adaptation of the masterpiece by horror mangaka Junji Ito. This production reveals yet another different aspect of Nagahama's talent, this time with a black-and-white anime that immerses us in Junji Ito's terrifying story. Uzumaki will premiere soon on Toonami's adult swim block.
Friday - December 6th 13:30 h: Meet&Greet Artists : Hiroshi Nagahama 15:00 h: Manga Stream : Hiroshi Nagahama: from Utena to work with Stan Lee and Junji Ito - Interview with the Japanese anime director Saturday - December 7th 12:30 h: Auditorium : MANGA 30 EDITION-SPECIAL SESSION: Mushishi (ch. 20) + Trailers (90 min) Original Version, Spanish Subtitles - Presentation, screening and talk - With Hiroshi Nagahama 14:00 h: Meet&Greet Artists : Hiroshi Nagahama Sunday - December 8th 16:00 h: Signing session | Stand SELECTA VISION : Hiroshi Nagahama 18:00 h: Kitsune Room : 'The current state of the anime industry' Roundtable discussion with the presence of. of anime directors - With Hiroshi Nagahama, Sunghoo Park and Yann Le Gall * Information may be subject to change. |
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