It is said that manga have a story for every reader. The wealth of genres, themes, and expressions has been fundamental to its international success. Once we overcome the stereotype of manga as action stories and giant robots for teenagers, a universe of limitless stories capable of transcending all boundaries will be revealed to us.
With manga, we discovered new ways to get excited about sports, romance, and everyday life, which for a time were minority genres in comics published in the West.
This exhibition brings together the art of Alba Cardona and Carlos Moreno, two young national authors who, using the language of manga as a means of expression, continue to cross borders, explore these genres and broaden the horizons of readers through their work.
Alba Cardona's latest work is published by ECC La leyenda de Hakutaku (Hakutaku’s Legend). She is also responsible for the adaptation of the novel The Invisible Girl by Blue Jeans, published by Planeta. With Norma, Carlos Moreno premieres the "spokon" Céüs!, also published by VegaDupuis, the manga label of Dupuis. He is also the illustrator of the adventures of La Kings, published by Montena.
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