Ruki is the first Spanish Anisong genre singer to debut under a Japanese discography. In 2011, she wins an audition organized by the Seiyuu (voice actor) and singer Halko Momoi, together with Dwango. In June 2010, she debuted with Akihabara Love Records from Dwango with her first single called “Kanashimanaide”. After publishing her first single, Ruki continues her career, coming back to Japan in 2013, where she gives her first Tokyo tour and publishes her album entitled “Koi no Meikyu”. In 2015, she sings a theme in the RPG videogame bishojo card, Granatha eternal.
That same year, she publishes with Warner Music Japan the album “Japani Beats! RUKI vol.1”, obtaining the 13th position in the Anisong ranking in iTunes Japan.
After years of hard work in the industry, in 2020 she releases her new single called “Mutekina Princess”, which was the main theme of the Japanese indie game “Jigoku hime no tsūkai musō”.
Currently, she is very active in her Twitch and YouTube channel, sharing information about anime and Japanese culture novelties and releases.
【Youtube en Español】
【Youtube en Japonés】
【Twitter en Español】
【Twitter en Japonés】
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